Batter mixing plants
We can offer you suitable mixing and feeding systems to supply WALTER equipments with consistent batter quality. Our equipment portfolio ranges from simple turbomixers up to fully automatic batter mixing systems with automatic weighing and process visualisation.
A comprehensive approach from the very beginning
Mixing is the first step in the success story of a high quality wafer product. The wafers will only meet the highest quality demands once batter preparation and baking process are optimally synchronised. Last but not least, the consistent batter quality will contribute to utilising WALTER systems to their full potential.

The TMS turbomixer is specifically designed for the economical production of sweet wafer batter and other liquid mixtures.

The TMA batter mixing plant is perfect for medium capacities. It features semi-automatic operation, with the ingredients being added by hand, mixed automatically and transported to the machine.

The TMX is a fully automatic mixing plant for batter production. After being weighed, all ingredients are added to the mixer automatically. The batter is then transported to the wafer machine.